d22f196b Pressure sensor in an inlet collector

Low level of an entrance signal of a chain of the sensor of pressure of air in an inlet collector (P0107)
The PCM block controls the entrance tension of the sensor of pressure in an inlet collector when air temperature on an admission is above 10 °C. If entrance tension in a conclusion 1J of the PCM block – lower than 0,1 In, the PCM block decides that pressure sensor chain in an inlet collector has malfunction.

High level of an entrance signal of a chain of the sensor of pressure of air in an inlet collector (P0108)
The PCM block controls the entrance tension of the sensor of pressure in an inlet collector when air temperature on an admission is above 10 °C. If entrance tension in a conclusion 1J of the PCM block – higher than 4,9 In, the PCM block decides that pressure sensor chain in an inlet collector has malfunction.