d22f196b Combination of devices

Fig. 1.49. Combination of devices of the Mazda 3 car: 1 – tachometer; 2 – index of the left turn; 3 – dashboard illumination brightness switch button; 4 – speedometer; 5 – the indicator of the included range (automatic transmission); 6 – button of the switch of the modes of the odometer; 7 – index of the right turn; 8 – index of temperature of cooling liquid; 9 – the index of level of fuel in a tank; 10 – a signaling device of the minimum reserve of fuel in a tank; 11 – the odometer (the modes of indications – the general run or the double index of a run for a trip); 12 – the indicator of the included transfer

Are a part of a combination of devices: speedometer, tachometer, odometer, push-button switches, light signaling devices and indicators (fig. 1.49).
The combination of devices has two several different execution option, depending on a car complete set.

Standard combination of devices.
Indications of the odometer of the general run of the car and run for a trip can be seen on the display even if the switch of ignition is in the provision of "ASS" (auxiliary consumers of the electric power) or "LOCK" (blocking):
– the display continues to work during 10 minposl of how the switch of ignition was turned from the provision of "ON" (ignition is included) in the provision of "ASS" (auxiliary consumers of the electric power) or "LOCK" (blocking);
– the display continues to work during 10 minposl of how the driver's door was open.

Combination of devices with the illumination brightness switch.
The display of the odometer and the index of a run for a trip does not work if the switch of ignition is in the provision of "ASS" (auxiliary consumers of the electric power) or "LOCK" (blocking). However, by means of the button of the switch it is possible to bring serially to the display of the indication of the index of a run for a trip and to nullify these indications. The switch functions approximately during 10 minposl:
– turn of the switch of ignition from the provision of "ON" (ignition is included) in the provision of "ASS" (auxiliary consumers of the electric power) or "LOCK" (blocking);
– opening of a driver's door.