d22f196b Plafonds of illumination of salon

System of lighting when landing in the car and an exit from the car.
The system of lighting at a landing/exit from the car provides inclusion of the top plafond (the switch of a plafond is in the provision of "DOOR" (management from doors)) illumination of salon and additional plafonds of illumination of a zone about car thresholds:
– approximately on 30 from later unlocking of the lock of a driver's door and turn of the switch of ignition in the provision of "LOCK" (blocking) (at the same time the ignition key is taken out from the lock);
– approximately on 15 from later closing of all doors of the car (if the car is equipped with system of access and launch of the engine without key, the top plafond of illumination of salon joins approximately on 5 with after the wearable card "Advanced Key" appears outside of the car);
– approximately on 15 from later taking out of a key from the ignition lock when all doors are closed.

Fig. 1.83. Forward and back plafonds of illumination of salon: 1 – the provision of "DOOR" (management from doors); 2 – situation "is switched off"; 3 – situation "is included"

Forward plafonds and back plafonds are shown in the figure 1.83.
Plafonds of lighting are switched off in the following cases:
– at turn of the switch of ignition in the provision of "ON" (ignition is included) when all doors of the car are closed;
– when locking the lock of a driver's door.